Songee TeachingsSongee Teachings
The Breath of Life Teaching at Stratford
'The Breath of Life is the Sun and the Son is my Nourishment'
A Songee Teaching from a Gathering at Stratford, New Zealand, 22nd June 2003


The Holy Breath
The Breath of Life
The Breath of Life is the Sun
The Miracle

The Second Well Trust had been invited to attend a meeting held by the local Spiritualist Church in Stratford which is a small township on the west side of Mt Taranaki in the North Island of New Zealand. There were approximately 30 people present in a large room. Everyone sat in a circle. The Group had begun the meeting with its usual rituals and we were in the guest spot at the end of the meeting.

This is a small part of the transcript from that Gathering. The Teaching of 'The Breath of Life is the Sun and the Son is my Nourishment' has become one of Songee's Chestnuts.

The Holy Breath

Songee: Now you have here Songee voice, when you need to have a Songee answer then be quiet, go to the place of Silence within youself.

Take inside of you the Breath of Life, for Songee is - The Breath of Life.

You know The Breath of Life? Have you heard of The Breath of Life?

Songee is The Breath of Life. I am not a physical mortal being that have passed into spirit.

You can hear the words and accept or reject them as you need for youself, you understand? I am not giving these words for you to say you must believe this. You know, that is not Songee. Songee want for you to question things, to ask the question within yourself, to find the truth of it within yourself, you understand?

Songee say to you now, is The Holy Breath, The Breath of Life. The Breath that comes, you hear it speak of in your Book of Words, (Bible) that come to tell you of the Ancients and of Jesus and of the coming days. The Breath of Life. The Breath of Life came to those people that followed Jesus and breathed into them so that they would have the gift of seeing, of hearing and of being channels of healing energy.

AHHH... Ponder on it...

The Breath of Life

Now I show you something. You take the Breath of Life within your body every time you open your nose and your mouth and do that, (Songee breathes in) you know? When you do it with consciousness before you begin to work as channel for Healing Energy the first thing that you do is what?


Songee: You breathe. You stand, you prepare yourself, you do a prayer and then you go... (Songee breaths in and releases the breath to breathe out) And then you are ready to start. Is that it?

The Breath of Life. Songee is The Breath of Life. Not here in this room, everywhere, everywhere you go, every peoples you touch in your life as a channel for healing energy you can bring that energy to the people. You may have been in a place where you buy your foodings, where you get your foodings somebody is looking very sad. So you brush past them and you ask Oneness, 'Please Oneness healing Energy for everybody, especially for these people I can see they are looking very sad'. And so you take a breath and you brush past them, and they go... (Songee looks around and makes a big smile. Everyone laughs)... I feel much better now, you know?

This is it, very simple, The Breath of Life. You take the breath and you are ready to be channel for healing energies whenever you are needing for it. You don't have to be formal channel for healing energy, you don't have to have people sitting in and do this thing for them. (Songee demonstrate the hands moving over in front of Her.)

You can do this, this is very good. I teach how to do this, many times for people because many people don't do it correctly, however I digress.

You don't have to do that for everybody. Somebody has a sore head - Oh your poor Soul. Oh that feels better it is gone, where did it go, is it in your fingers?

This is how you can do this thing. So practise it. The Breath of Life and I teach you...

The Breath of Life is the Sun

As you take your breath in, you take it in to your middle self, into your middle chakra and this chakra here is the Yellow chakra. The Sun Chakra. Is that right? Breathe it into here. (Songee indicate the tummy region.)

And as you breathe in you have a very conscious thing about this process and you say,

'The Breath of Life is the nourishment', you know? This is the nourishment.

'The Breath of Life is the Sun, and the Sun is my nourishment.'

So this is how you are going to be. Breathe in, The Breath of Life the Sun, the Sun is the chakra here, feel it, breath it in, hold it in. And then out through the mouth, The Sun is my nourishment.

Allow the energy to go through you to every cell of your body.

Now you have this.

Then rest and then close your eyes once more and go back inside.

Breathe in The Breath of Life is the Sun, hold it, feel it building warmth, And the Sun is my nourishment. Breathe out. The Sun is my nourishment.

And when you do this three or four times you will begin to feel the Sun in your middle self begin to glow like a warm fire. This is the Chi energy that you are building, by breathing in the Breath of Life.

You know about the Chi energy? (Songee turns to ask this of the man who leads the meeting and practices, teaches martial arts.)


Songee: So you bring it is to here and then you send it to all parts of your body, is that right? So that it comes out of your fingers.

So this is Light and this is energy, this is Power, Power manifest.

You have machine, you like to play with machine? (The meeting had been video recorded by one of the members present and it had stopped and Songee asks Her assistant...)

Yes but not that one.

Songee: So can you feel it now? Are you doing it? No! Some of you stopped! Keep doing it, breathe it in the Breath of Life is the Sun and the Sun is my nourishment. Feel the warmth, feel it in here, a little Sun, breathe it in. Do this before all of your exercises, before you do your standing as a channel for being a healing energy channel. Do it before you do your meditation. Do it before you shout at the little one. (Everyone laughs.) Do it before you shout at the husband. Husband do it before you shout at the wife. (Songee is smiling.) Husband do it before you shout at mother-in-law.

You know all these things, do it, breathe it in. When you are in your workings of your life and the peoples...

I wish you would just get out of the way (Songee is shooing away in front of Her with the arms.) you are in the way all the time, move out of the way, thank you very much. So it... I beg your pardon, there are peoples that come and they want to be all around you know, so I have to sometimes find a way through. (It seemed as though Songee had a great feeling of impatience in her voice when She spoke to the spirit people.)

Now you are in your workings and people are making you very angry. (Songee looks very pointedly at several of the people present and they laugh. It appears as though it to them that She is speaking to.) Is that right?


Songee: I know this thing. Make you very angry and very frustrated, is that right? (Much laughter) And you are feel like going like this, you know. (Songee is pulling the hair out.) What you do is you shut your eyes and you take a deep breath in and you say, The Sun is my nourishment you know? The Sun, cut it short, The Sun is my nourishment. (Songee speaks as though with desperation in Her voice.) The Sun is my nourishment. (People are laughing.) You can do this thing. And take the Breath of Life, The Breath of Life is the Sun and the Sun is my nourishment.

Now you have a play on words, of course, because The Breath of Life is part of the Trinity, it is also part of the Son who is part of the Trinity.

So The Breath of Life is Oneness Energy. It is the Love and Light and Power of Oneness that you are breathing into youself, and it is the Son, the warmth of Jesus, of the Love teaching of Jesus. The Son is my nourishment, so you have the two fold thing. The Breath of Life is the Son, The Son is my nourishment.

The Miracle

And when you do this thing, then something miraculous happens because not only do you lose your anger, not only do you lose your frustrations, and, you can look at the person and you can learn to discern what it is that is really bothering them, what it is that is really happening for them. And then when you have the Power of discernment you open your ears and you say, You look to be very angry, what has happened to you? And then when all this verbiage comes to you, you open your ears and you listen.

Listen for what is happening underneath you know, like the river that run underneath the rocks, find it see where it is going. This river is in darkness, it needs to come out, and come out like a spring in the Light. Does it not? So you can find out what is happening and ask for the healing energies for them. And then, that is when your little miracles begin to happen around you.

As you breathe in you say in your mind 'The Breath of Life is the Sun'
And as you breathe out you say in your mind 'The Son is my Nourishment'
Be involved with these words, feel their energy and be energized by them.

Please follow this link for the complete transcript and audio recording of this Gathering.

Reference Number 20030622

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© 2022 The Second Well Trust
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Channelled by Full Trance Channel: Roberta-Margaret Wiggins
Transcribed: Christene Hart

"These words come from Oneness, of Songee to the people of the Earth, for teaching, for people to learn, to grow, to come into the Light. And you desire to tell You friends all about this word, please do so. Please show them the word of Songee. Let them see the word. It may be that you need to copy it or to take a copy to gift to them." SONGEE
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